Only one piece of all your fly fishing equipment invokes such incantation and reverence for traditional fly fishing- your split cane bamboo rod, handmade in the U.S.A. with bamboo from China's Tonkin region.
Space-age graphite rods are wonderful creations, but nothing rivals holding a beautiful bamboo rod in your hand. The feeling is almost indescribable. Can you hear the rushing water? It comes alive like an extension of your hand, reaching out with the fly and attracting fish to encounter the hand of a master that presents a meal on a silver plate. Can you feel the wind in every pore of your body as your fly gracefully attracts the object of your dreams? Imagine it! The connnection between man and fish, in the purity of the moment, you are both lost and found. Tap into the nature of pure fly fishing with a piece of nature herself- a bamboo fly rod.
This is a 7-foot, 2-piece 5WT medium-fast action handmade Tonkin Bamboo Fly rod. The rod is a hand-planed, medium-flamed reproduction of a Dickerson 7613 Taper. The blank is wrapped in red-tipped brown, using Pearsall's silk thread. Guides are made of tungsten steel. The machined ferrules, cap and ring reel seat are polished nickel silver. This rod has been dip-wrapped in four coats of spar varnish and hand-finished with rottenstone and oil. The highly-figured maple reel seat is also hand polished. Included is a handmade cotton sock and an aluminum tube for storage and transportation.